Liberals like to says they are the ones who follow the science, but in reality they don't believe in science. They instead push fake science to support their false reality.
1. Biology
Liberals like Judge Jackson can't define what is a woman. When Jackson was asked to define a woman she couldn't answer that question. Swimmer Lia Thomas who is a biological male is being allowed to compete against women and dominating those women in their sport. The definition of a woman /female is a human or animal that has XX chromosomes and are born with female reproductive system. A transwoman is a biological male XY chromosomes, but who chooses/feels more comfortable living as a woman. If a man wants to live their life as a woman or a woman wants to live their life as a man they should be allowed. And people should respect their decision to live how they feel. If I was to meet Lia Thomas I would address her as a female using she/her pronouns as I have done here. But in things like sports she shouldn't be allowed to play as as woman. A biological male has an unfair advantage over other women. And in sports it isn't about feelings, but fairness of a level playing field. The correct solution is for her to compete in the men's division, but be allowed to wear the female swim outfit and be given a private changing room. Science says there are women and men. In society people can be what they want and people should treat others with respect and dignity. But your feelings can't take away the rights of others.
2. Life
Judge Jackson was asked if she could say when life begins. And again she couldn't answer. As a judge this is an important question to answer and if she can't she isn't capable of being a judge. Liberals can't agree when life begins, but the science is very clear. Life begins at conception. This is scientific fact. Now just because you admit that science says life begins at conception doesn't mean you believe that life has rights. But the pro-choice crowd is afraid to admit that and so they pretend life doesn't begin at conception. Fact is you can admit life begins at conception, but don't believe that life deserves rights until there is a heartbeat, or can feel pain, or is viable at current medical advancements, after the 3rd trimester, or when the baby is born. But at least be honest about the science.
3. Covid
We are told by Liberals to follow the science with Covid. But when new research comes out that masks that aren't N95 are useless they ignore it. When research shows that shutdowns don't work they ignore it. When the death and infection rate in states that lifted restrictions months before other states that continued to keep restrictions are basically the same they ignored it. When kids are masked and Vaxxed when the science shows kids don't spread it and aren't effected like older people they ignore it. When we see the vaccine is causing adverse reactions in children, they ignore it. And when we see that the vaccine only helps to make virus less severe they lie and say it stops the virus. Science is very different from The Science. And Covid has shown us that politics can interfere with science.