This is what life is about. It is not always about the big successes and wins, but how we overcome hardships. It’s about not giving up in times of suffering, but continuing to press on and grow through our suffering. This reminds me of Jesus. He didn’t come to conquer, but to suffer and die. It wasn’t about all the miracles, it was about the willingness and the strength to continue up the hill of Calvary. It was about how much Christ was willing to take and keep moving forward.
Isaiah 53:5 says, "But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed." (NIV Bible)
Even in the face of trails and hardships we must move forward with Christ. Like Christ we must be willing to do our Fathers will even when there is suffering. There will always be hardships and trails, but we must keep moving forward. When we think we can’t go any further, remember Christ and how he kept moving forward. Christ is with us, encouraging us, pushing us, and carrying us. Keep moving forward, because what is ahead is the gift of the glory of the Kingdom.