Here are the 20 best accomplishments of Trump.
1. Human trafficking
In January 2020, Trump described his administration as “100 percent committed to eradicating human trafficking from the Earth”. He then signed an executive order which promotes housing opportunities for survivors and prioritizes the removal of child sexual abuse material from the internet. He also created a new White House position dedicated to the issue. He created a new task force that has saved the lives of hundreds of kids being trafficked.
2. Criminal justice reform
Trump made notable strides in prison reform. He signed the First Step Act in 2018, which allows for employees to store their firearms securely at federal prisons, restricts the use of restraints on pregnant women, expands compassionate release for terminally ill patients, places prisoners closer to family in certain cases, mandates de-escalation training, and improves feminine hygiene in prison. Criminal Justice reform also includes bringing down sentences for drug only crimes. This basically got rid of the terrible and unfair crime bill Joe Biden passed in 1994 that put so many black men in jail.
3. He made animal cruelty a felony
Trump signed a bill that finally made acts of animal cruelty a federal felony. Need I say more? Can’t we all agree on this one?
4. Huge Strides Against HIV
Trump had been particularly fierce against the spread of HIV. He had secured an absolutely historic donation of free HIV medication for over 200,000 people. Furthermore, he’s invested $716 million into fighting the virus. His progress objectively save the lives of thousands of LGBT people.
5. Peace in the Middle East and ISIS
He broker peace deals with Israel and 3 other Muslim countries. Something no one thought possible. In the UAE they actually played the Israel national anthem. Trump defeated ISIS in Iraq that would have overrun the country had he not unleashed the military to do its job. He also killed many terrorist that had killed Americans.
6. Lower Unemployment
Thanks to his tax cuts and cutting regulations on businesses unemployment for black, Hispanic, and women had all gone down to historic lows.
7. Black Colleges
He fully funded traditional black colleges for 10 years. This had never happened as Black colleges had to come back every year to beg for money.
8. College Grants
The Trump Administration implemented the year-round distribution of Pell grants, instead of limiting these grants to the spring and fall semesters. Low-income students now have access to these funds over summer and winter breaks, so they can earn their degrees faster with fewer loans.
9. North Korea
Because of Trump's diplomacy in North Korea both North and South Korea officially ended the Korean War. Technically the war was just at a cease fire until this point.
10. The Environment
By pulling us out of the Paris Climate Accord we were actually able to expand things like fracking and become energy independent. This is important for the environment, because we use fracking, coal production, and oil drilling a lot cleaner than other countries. So even though we pulled out of the Paris deal, our CO2 admissions have gone down. Plus Trump put in place a plan to plant 1 trillion trees.
11. The Boarder
Trump built 500 miles of border wall. He got rid of the cages that Obama built to cage kids coming across the border alone. And worked with Mexico to stop caravans coming from central America, saving lives.
12. Covid
Saved 2 million American lives from Covid by shutting down travel from China and Europe early when people like Biden said it was xenophobic. He ramped up PPE production and ventilators. Also thanks to Operation Wrap Speed 3 vaccines was created in less than 9 months.
13. Trade Deals
Got American farmers billions from China trade deals and saved steel from cheap China imports. Also ended NAFTA and replace with the USMCA which was much better for America.
14. Judges
Trump has appointed 3 conservative judges to the Supreme Court and over a 100 judges to federal courts. The courts were hurting to process cases because of the back log of judges.
15. Stimulus
Trump got most every American almost $1200 or more in stimulus checks, bailed out small businesses with PPP, and help the unemployed with $600 extra benefits.
16. Tax Cuts
Cut taxes for over 90% of Americans including the rich, middle class, and poor. Also cut taxes on corporations which resulted in more jobs, higher stock prices, bonuses for millions of workers, and increase wages. Small businesses also saw lower taxes because of the corporate tax rate cut.
17. Space Force
Trump created the new military branch Space Force. Space is the next place for humanity to expand and that could result in conflict. We need to be prepared to defend our interests in space.
18. Made Skills Important
President Trump signed an executive order saying that skills and not just a college degree will be used in hiring decisions for federal jobs.
19. Improved the VA
Trump brought more accountability at the VA and helped to improve VA benefits.
20. Trump was Pro-life
Trump reinstated and expanded the Mexico City Policy, ensuring that U.S. tax dollars were not funding abortions overseas. He has defunded UNFPA on the grounds that it supports coercive abortion and sterilization in China.
Trump’s Department of HHS issued new rules that require health insurers to specify whether plans cover abortions and proposed a rule to cut Title X taxpayer funding from any facility that performs or refers for abortions. The department also announced the creation of a Conscience and Religious Freedom Division, which worked to protect medical professionals who object to cooperating with abortion.