Mass shooting are terrible and we should do more to try and stop them. But what is the right thing to do: more gun control, more security at schools, more mental health funding, more restraint on giving these shooters fame. I'm honestly not sure, but these are some of my thoughts and suggestions. And I'm sure it will make both conservatives and liberals unhappy. But I think these 10 Ideas will have a bigger impact on stopping mass shooters over taking away citizens 2nd amendment rights.
1. We need to increase funding for mental health issues and we need to increase the time authorities can hold someone for a mental health evaluation. Currently a person can only be held for evaluation for 48 hours. That should be increased to 5 days. This will give doctors more time to figure out if a person might hurt themselves or others. Also if someone is found to have a mental disorder that makes them unsafe to the public, then that should be reported to the FBI and they shouldn't be able to pass a background check to own a gun. I think the biggest issue in all of this is that we have to get these sociopaths off the street.
2. We need the police not to release the names of these shooters. They are insane and one of the things they want is fame. They want to be known for killing people. So we need to stop giving out their names. With this we need all major news media to agree to not give these evil people the fame they want. Don't give out their names. Don't make them famous.
3. We need better and stronger background checks. We need every state to report to the FBI for federal background checks to be successful.
4. We need to secure our schools with trained armed guards. I'd also consider allowing teachers to have a gun if they are trained. Getting into a school should be just like getting into a courthouse or Congress. Fact is our kids are more important than our politicians. And I'd support a special tax to pay for it. I think gun owners should even be willing to pay a small fee when they purchase a gun or ammunition to help. I'd also like to see the NRA make a special donation to help with securing schools and training guards and teachers. Maybe we should take the $500 million we give Planned Parenthood to kill babies and use it to hire armed security at our schools to save kids.
5. We need to fix the FBI. The FBI is one of the biggest reasons for the shooting in Parkland, Flordia. They failed to investigate and follow-up on the threats this shooter made on social media. The FBI has become too political and lost sight on what they should be doing.
6. I'm also concerned about the over medication of kids because of ADHD. I think we need research into how many of these kids that we see with so many troubles were treated with powerful drugs.
7. We need to look at these first person killing video games. Too many young kids are playing games where they are killing people. This has to have an affect on kids minds. The same us true for movies. Comic book movies are getting more and more violent. They either need to tone it down or we need a stronger rating system.
8. We need to protect due process, but we need to also help the courts and police to be able to take guns away from people that might be dangerous. We need a faster process. This doesn't mean we take away people's rights, but just make the court process faster and more effective.
9. I support the ban on automatic weapons, so I think banning bump stocks or make if illegal to use amything on a gun that would turn a semi-automatic into a full automatic.
10. And lastly maybe we need to consider bring God back to our schools. I heard a women on the news talking about a program that aims to teach kids how to love another. Funny I seem to remember Jesus saying we should love one another and treat others how we want to be treated. Simple ideas that have a huge impact.
I'm not saying this will work. I'm not saying I'm right. I do think we need to debate this based on the whole issue and not just as a gun control issue. We can't just say we need more gun control without any real idea of what that means. We must address the issue that these people are crazy and we can't feed into that by making them famous. And we can't act like making a school, nightclub, or any other place a gun free zones will make people safe. All of these places, but especially schools need heroes with guns to protect kids and people.