This could've been a really good movie, but instead of making a good comic book movie they decided to make a political statement. So here are my issues with this movie.
1. The good guy is a privileged black man who grew up in a utopia. The bad guy was a black American man who grew up poor without a father, but went on to excel in school going to M.I.T. and joining the military to become a special forces operative. It is sad that they would make one of the most evil Marvel villains a former military person who was also someone who overcame a tough life to be successful. And when you add how they treated the character Agent Ross a spy and former Air Force combat pilot as kind of a scared wimp it seemed to me that is the movie was very disrespectful to our military. But more so that it was telling poor black kids, it doesn't matter how hard you work or successful you become you will still be inferior to the rich white or black.
2. Within less than 24 hours of the new evil king taking power, the people of this advance society turn on each other into civil war. I guess the makers of the movie think even black communities that are advance will fall into civil war like most of the rest of Africa. It just didn't make sense. This country is the most technology advanced country in the world, but they refuse to help the world or even Africa. And when the bad guy suggests this is wrong and they need to conquer the world half of the country is good with starting a world war. You'd think such an enlightened society would tell the new king, no we aren't going to war with the rest of the world. Hevk they all know about the Avengers. I think they might try to stop them.
3. A married couple found themselves on different side of the battle and one spouse asks the other if she would kill her love and she responded she would for her country. So basically the movie pushed the communist view that the state is more important than your marriage.
4. The movie was kinda slow and the action wasn't that great. And the actually interesting character Ulysses Klause they killed too soon. He should have been the main bad guy in the movie as he was cool and crazy and the only thing funny.
I think kids will love it and many of the political stuff will go over their head. It has enough action and tech stuff to keep the masses happy. I like the final speech of the king as he sees that his nation and every nation has a responsibility to help the world. I think the next Black Panther might be better, as it won't have to deal with backstory. I just hope we get more action and fun. That is what I like and want in a Marvel movie.