So Democracts oppose banning abortions after 20 weeks. Why did Republicans want 20 weeks, because that is when since says a baby in the womb can feel pain. Basically that is when the baby can feel it being killed.
So I want to know where is a good point? When does s baby have a right to life? Let's look at the viability of a baby at different weeks it can survive outside the womb. Tell me where we should stop abortion on-demand (this means no abortion except to save the life of the mother which is less than 1% of all abortions).
At 20 weeks a baby isn't viable outside the womb, but it can feel pain.
21 weeks less than a 10% chance to survive
22 weeks up to 10%
23 weeks up to 35%
24 weeks up to 70%
25 weeks up to 80%
26-29weeks up to 90%
30-33 weeks up to 95%
34+ weeks up to 98%
Currently here are the restrictions on abortions by states:
6 weeks -1 state
12 weeks -1 state
20 weeks -2 states
22 weeks -8 states
24-26 weeks -26 states
28 weeks -3 states
No restrictions up to 9 months -9 states and D.C.
I disagree with abortion in all cases with exception to save the life of the mother. I would support a law banning abortions in all cases with the exception to rape and incest up to 12 weeks since most women know they are pregnant at 6 weeks and of course an exception to protect the life of the mother. This would outlaw about 98% of all abortions, since only 2% of abortions are for those rare exceptions.
But I know what I want with abortion isn't going to happen and many would disagree with me. But can't we agree that if a baby can feel pain it is inhumane to kill that baby? I mean at what point can we all agree that a baby is a person?