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Chuck Baker is Right! Well, I am. What I mean is that my friends always joke that I’m always right (or at least I think I am). The thing is I don’t say anything, unless I know I’m right. So it's not that I’m right about everything, but usually when I speak I know what I’m talking about. My dad always said, “Don’t speak unless you know your right.” This blog includes many subjects like religion, politics, business, movies, sports, and more. On the left you will see options to search this blog, see popular posts, a catalog of posts, and favorite links. Please check out my YouTube channel by clicking on the link under favorite links.

Suck It Up Buttercup

Just an FYI, not a threat.  But I've seen some Trump protesters saying we need revolution. Even saw some saying blood will be shed and people will have to die.

Just remember that your side is the anti-gun side.  Our side is pro-gun and we have 300 million guns and 40 billion rounds of ammo.  It won't be much of a revolution.  So I suggest #SuckItUpButtercup

***This is comedy just in case you don't have a sense of humor***