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Chuck Baker is Right! Well, I am. What I mean is that my friends always joke that I’m always right (or at least I think I am). The thing is I don’t say anything, unless I know I’m right. So it's not that I’m right about everything, but usually when I speak I know what I’m talking about. My dad always said, “Don’t speak unless you know your right.” This blog includes many subjects like religion, politics, business, movies, sports, and more. On the left you will see options to search this blog, see popular posts, a catalog of posts, and favorite links. Please check out my YouTube channel by clicking on the link under favorite links.

Pro-Life and Charities

There are a lot of charities and it is hard to know which ones are good and which ones are not. Some charities barely give any of its funds to the actual cause it supports. Instead most of the money gets spent on staff, lobbyist, and high paid executives. Then there are those charities that give money and support to other side causes that you would never support. There are charities that we would all think we could all support when in fact those charities support things against our beliefs. 

At a previous job I was required to raise funds for the March of Dimes. Actually future promotions in my career were dependent on me raising money for the March of Dimes. The problem for me is that the March of Dimes has supported Planned Parenthood and supports embryonic stem cell research. I am Pro-Life and I do not support either Planned Parenthood or embryonic stem cell research. The March of Dimes does a lot of good things, but for those who are Pro-Life they should really consider and think about their support for the March of Dimes.

The March of Dimes is not the only major charity that supports embryonic stem cell research, abortion, or Planned Parenthood. Here is a list of charities that support embryonic stem cell research:

Alzheimer’s Association, American Cancer Society, American Diabetes Association, American Heart Association, Lance Armstrong Foundation, Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, March of Dimes, Muscular Dystrophy Association, and the Susan G. Korman for the Cure

Those groups that support abortion and/or Planned Parenthood:
Amnesty International US, Planned Parenthood, March of Dimes, Susan G. Korman for the Cure, United Way, UNICEF, YMCA, and YWCA.

(Source for this information is from the American Life League and the Life Issues Instuitue)

These lists do not include all of the charities that support abortion, Planned Parenthood, or embryonic stem cell research, but it is a lot of those charities that we have likely all supported at one time or another. I’m not saying you can’t support these groups or that you are a bad person if you do. All I’m saying is that if you are Pro-Life, then you need to consider who you are supporting. It’s your money and your time and it should go to what you support. Know who and what you support.