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Chuck Baker is Right! Well, I am. What I mean is that my friends always joke that I’m always right (or at least I think I am). The thing is I don’t say anything, unless I know I’m right. So it's not that I’m right about everything, but usually when I speak I know what I’m talking about. My dad always said, “Don’t speak unless you know your right.” This blog includes many subjects like religion, politics, business, movies, sports, and more. On the left you will see options to search this blog, see popular posts, a catalog of posts, and favorite links. Please check out my YouTube channel by clicking on the link under favorite links.

Trump Still Not Hitler

After almost 4 years of Trump in power I still see people saying Trump is Hitler.  But there is no evidence of Trump making himself into a dictator.  But you want to know who acts and talks like Hitler?  Democrats.   

Actually look at history.  Hitler guaranteed everyone a job, free healthcare, free child care, and free education.  Sounds like a lot of Democratic candidates policies. Who took away the guns of law abiding citizens?  Hitler.  And who wants forced gun buy backs?  Right Democrats.   Who hates Iseral and is anti-Semitic?  Not Trump.  He is the most pro-Israel president we've ever had, but in the Democratic party you have the Squad.  Which are 4 anti-Semitic congresswomen who support BDS.  And who supports Abortion even up to birth?  Why it is Hitler and the Democrats.  The Nazi were the freaking National Socialist German Worker’s Party.  They were socialist.   Is Trump a socialist?  No, I think that is the Democratic party, who call themselves Democratic Socialist.   Who is supported by a group that attack their political opponents?  Not Trump.  That would be Democrats who are supported by ANTIFA a group much like the Brown Shirts.  

Trump is trying to get us out of wars and bring home our troops.  Obama killed more people than Bush and Democrats are mad that Trump is pulling out of the Middle East.  Trump wants to let people keep more of their money, but Democrats want to take more so they can give us "free" stuff making us dependent on government.  Trump wants everyone to have economic success.  Bernie Sanders just said billionaires should be scared.  Really?  A presidential candidate is threatening law abiding citizens just because they are successful.   Trump has passed prision and justice reform.  Democrats want to pass laws to punish people with jail for saying things they deem as hate speech.   Trump loves the second amendment.  Can't say that about Democrats.  

I guess you could say Trump is like Hitler, because he wants strong borders and wants to enforce our immigration laws.  But then I guess Bill Clinton and Obama were Hitler too.  Clinton talked about security at the borders and stopping illegal immigrants.  And Obama had deported more people after 4 years, than  Trump has after 4 years.  Trump isn't Hitler, but the Democrats might be the Nazis.  

Look Trump might be rude, crude, and overbearing, but that doesn't make him Hitler. You might not like his Twitter account, but that doesn't make him Hitler.  And I don't really believe the Democrats are Nazis.  Hitler and the Nazis are an evil that we shouldn't use just for political gain.  Just because you don't like a politician doesn't mean we should call them Hitler or Nazis.  It lowers the evil of Hitler and the Nazis and diminishes the horror of the Holocaust.  How are we as Americans ever going find peace if we see the other side as Hitler or the Nazis?