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Chuck Baker is Right! Well, I am. What I mean is that my friends always joke that I’m always right (or at least I think I am). The thing is I don’t say anything, unless I know I’m right. So it's not that I’m right about everything, but usually when I speak I know what I’m talking about. My dad always said, “Don’t speak unless you know your right.” This blog includes many subjects like religion, politics, business, movies, sports, and more. On the left you will see options to search this blog, see popular posts, a catalog of posts, and favorite links. Please check out my YouTube channel by clicking on the link under favorite links.

Answer the Call

Let me tell you a little story.  A Teacher was going to explain that God did not exist.  The Teacher asked a little boy, “Tommy, look outside and tell me do you see the trees outside?”  Tommy replied:  “Yes.”  The Teacher asked, “Tommy do you see the grass?”  Tommy said, “Yes.”  ”The Teacher then asked Tommy, “Do you see the sky?“  Tommy again said, “Yes.”  The Teacher then asked, “Did you see God?”  Tommy a little surprised said, “No.”  The Teacher said with a smug voice said, “That’s my point.  We can’t see God, because he isn’t there. He doesn’t exist.”  Not really a bright argument, but she thought, children would never know the difference.  Just then a little girl spoke up and wanted to ask the boy some questions.  The teacher agreed.  The little girl asked Tommy, “Tommy, did you see the trees outside?”  Tommy again said, “Yes.”  The little girl asked, “Did you see the grass?”  Tommy replied, “Yes.”  The little girl asked, “Did you see the sky?”  Tommy, getting a little tired of the questions said, “Yessssssss.”  The little girl then asked, “Tommy, do you see the teacher?”  Tommy a little surprised answered, “Yes.”  The little girl asked, “Do you see her brain?”  Tommy said, “No.”  The little girl then said, “Then according to what we were taught today in school, she must not have one.”  The little girl is what is called a Champion.  In Webster’s Dictionary the definition of champion is, “one who fights for another or for a cause; a defender.”  We read in Ephesians, the sixth chapter, about the armor of God and being able to stand our ground. 

Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground.  (Ephesians 6:13; NIV)

The knights of the Middle Ages were the champions for the king.  They were the defenders of the kingdom.  They would be the ones to go into battle on behalf of the king.  Many times two kingdoms would compete against each other by pitting the two champions of the kings against each other.  The Crusades were fought on the idea of freeing Jerusalem for Christianity.  Today the soldiers who defend our freedoms are champions.  Those men and women who served during World War II, to fight back the Nazis and Japan were champions not just for America, but for the world.  The men and woman of Vietnam, who went to battle in the jungles to fight communism were champions.  The men and women who are fighting against terrorist and the liberation of places like Afghanistan and Iraq are champions.  It is because of their service and sacrifice that people all around the world have been and are still being able to learn about the love of Christ and the cost of freedom.  We are call to be like the knights and soldiers by putting on our spiritual armor and to go to battle.  It is not a literal battle.  We do not put on a actual breastplate or carry a sword.  We do not need stock piles of weapons.  It is the Word of God that we should wear and keep in our hearts.  It is a battle for the hearts and minds of every soul.  Satan is fighting against us to steal as many souls for himself as he can, and if he can take a few Christians with him as well, then all the better.  We must be ready to die for this cause.  We should be willing to lay down our life for Christ, as Christ laid down his for us.  God calls us not to be afraid. 

Have I not commanded you, be strong and courageous do not be terrified, do not be discouraged for the Lord your God is with your wherever you go.  (Joshua 1:9; NIV)

Cassie Bernall is know as the Columbine student who died confessing her faith.  She was asked if she believed in God.  Instead of say no and saving her life, she said yes and was killed.  She was a Champion for God.  What would you do if your were faced with the question to deny God and live.  I mean to take nothing away for those brave martyrs who have fallen for Christ.  Their courage is something that we should inspire to.  However, a harder question might be, is do you now Champion Christ at home, at work and in your life, or are you political correct.   I think sometimes it is easier to stand tall when it is life and death, but it can be a lot harder to not let yourself fall into the trap of political correctness.  We can’t be afraid if offend someone.  We must fight the big issues.  As Christian we must stand up for the unborn.  Abortion is wrong and we must be willing to say so.  We must stand up for marriage.  Marriage is between a man and a woman.  We must not lay down and let what God has made to be torn down.  We must make our voices heard and not let over zealous judges say “Under God” is a prayer, so children can’t say the Pledge of Allegiance in school.  As Christians we must stand for the weak, the sick, the ones without a voice.  We cannot be afraid.  Franklin D. Roosevelt said,  “We have nothing to fear, but fear it-self.“  As Christians we don’t even have fear to fear, because through Christ all things are possible and He will see you through anything.  We may never have to choose to lay down our life for Christ, but everyday we have the opportunity to be Christ’s Champions, by professing Jesus to those around us.  We can’t say that we are not allowed to talk about religion at work.  If someone is asking about Christ or if someone is denouncing Him, we must defend Christ and tell others of His love.  We must tell the family and friends we love that don’t know Jesus about Him.  We can’t be afraid that we might loose the friendship, because what kind of friend are you really if you are not telling them the Good News of Jesus. 

We are call to be Christ’s Ambassadors.

We are therefore Christ’s Ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us.  We implore you on Christ’s behalf:  Be reconciled to God.  ( Corinthians 5:20; NIV)

To be an Ambassador for Christ is to represent Christ by living a true Christian life.  Christ works through us to make known his mercy and love to the world.

Picture this scene in your mind.  A well-known Christian musician, say Michael W. Smith or Steven Curtis Champion, is giving a free concert.  Thousands of people have lined up outside, waiting to get into the concert hall.  The line snakes back and forth in front of the doors, and those is line begin to sing praise songs together while they wait. Suddenly, the doors open.  Many of the people who were just singing together turn to push and shove and force their way ahead of the others.  The two actions just don’t mix in the Christian life.  Singing songs of praise one moment and then pushing others out of the way in order to be first gives a mixed message.  Many people say they believe in God; they say they’re Christians, but their actions speak volumes.  Keep that in mind in whatever you’re doing; more than anything you could ever say in words, your actions tell others what you truly believe.

Jesus told us what we are to do to show people what a Christian is.  He gave us many examples.

We must Forgive:  Did Jesus not say, if you are slapped on one cheek, to turn the other cheek.

We must Love:  Did Jesus not say, to love our enemies.

We must pay our taxes: Did Jesus not say Give to Caesar what is Caesar and to God what is God.

We must serve others:  Did Jesus not say, he came to serve and not to be served.

We must fast in praise:  Did Jesus not say, that we should fast not in sadness, but with joy.

We must not judge:  Did Jesus not say, do not judge unless you are to be judge.

We must not swear:  Did Jesus not say, do not swear by the land or by God.

We must tell the world:  Did Jesus not say, to go and make disciples.

We must obey Him:  Did Jesus not say, if you love me, you will obey me.

Jesus replied, “If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching, My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.  He who does no love me will not obey my teaching.  (John 14:23-24; NIV)

If we love Christ and want to be his Ambassador we will live our life in a way that is an example to others.  Those who love the Lord want to be like the Lord and obey His commands.  Those who don’t love the Lord will find ways to disobey His commands. 

Danny Warfold is a former quarterback for the University of Florida.  During his senior year in college he won the Heisman Trophy and the National Championship.  At the beginning of his senior year he was selected to be one of Playboy Magazine’s College Football All-American’s.  This is a major award in college football.  There was to be an article and an award.  Danny though is a Christian.  He was the president of his FCA, Fellowship of Christian Athletes.  He knew that if he were to allow himself to be in that magazine, that that would send a mix message.  What kind of example would that set for not only young kids, but also adults.  If his is an Ambassador of Christ, then he must hold himself to a higher standard.  I am happy to say he turned down the award.

When I was in high school I was known for two things.  First I was the Republican and second I was the Christian.  I was one never afraid to give my opinion on any subject.  I was also on the football team.  When I was a Sophomore in high school I was reading my Bible before a game.  One of my teammates saw me and said, “Chuck that God stuff is a joke.  It’s going to be the death of you.”  I replied to him saying, “No Johnny, it’s what is going to save me.”  Well I didn’t start preaching at him everyday.  What I did do was try to live my life in a way that would be pleasing to Christ.  Did I make mistakes?  I sure did.  A young high school student, I made a lot of mistakes, but I still tried to do my best.  When my senior year came and we had just lost our last game things were very emotional.  If you have ever played high school sports, especially football you know what I mean.  Johnny and I were walking together, and just before we walked off the field, he grab my hand and said, “Chuck pay for us.”  At that moment he wanted to go to God and pray for our futures.  I don’t know what happened to Johnny after graduation.  I don’t know if he every found Christ, but I hope that maybe I helped open the door.  Many time we ask if we have ever brought anyone to Christ.  Maybe we have, but we were the first person to put them on the road, or maybe the second or third they meet down the road.  We never know when the smallest of actions are going to help crack that door or maybe just that window to Jesus.

When my wife used to be a waitress, she would tell me how Sunday was the worst day.  The reason for this was due to all the churchgoers who came out and the little to no tips they would give.  Many times instead of them giving a tip they would give a “track.”  I’m sure you know what “tracks” are.  They are those little pamphlets about Jesus and God.  How many time do you think that that “track” would bring someone to Jesus?  These people are making less than $3.00 an hour and they have families to feed.  How much more could we show Christ’s love by giving an extra dollar or two?  Please tip your waitress.

Being an Ambassador for Christ is all about living a Christ-like life.  It is about being an example for others to see.  We can’t be perfect and people will want to point out when you fail.  If they notice when you do something wrong, then maybe they notice that you do a lot right.  If they never notice you doing anything wrong, then maybe your not doing enough right.  We are always on call and it is not easy, but the reward is great.

What are some of the different jobs in which someone works for God?  There are ministers, missionaries, Christian teachers, Christian singers, Christian counselors, and many more.  Can someone who is a lawyer, doctor, garbage man or a retail manager be working for God?  Christ calls us to serve Him and others.

C. William Pollard the CEO of ServiceMaster is a devote Christian.  “In the lobby of the ServiceMaster’s Headquarters in Illinois, their is a marble statue of Christ washing the feet of a disciple.  Beyond the statue is a wall that stands 18 feet tall and stretches 90 feet across.  Engraved in the wall are these four statements that constitute the company’s objectives:  To Honor God in all we do, To Help people develop, To pursue excellence, To grow profitably.  The leaders at ServiceMaster believe that God has given each one of the employees dignity, worth, potential, and freedom to choose.  The goal is to build a firm that begins with God and accepts and develops the different people He created.”  (God is my CEO)  ServiceMaster is a for profit company, but they know that everything we do, we do for God.  If we honor God and work for others the best that we can, then we are working for God.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.   It is the Lord Christ you are serving.  (Colossians 3:23-24; NIV)

I work in jewelry retail.  I started as a part-time salesperson and then became a store manager, then a District Manager at age 28.  I am pretty good at what I do.  Most people know very little about jewelry.  I could be deceitful when I sell jewelry to other.  I could mislead them in what they were buying.  I could do that, but that would be wrong.  When managing my stores, I could yell, scream, and use course language and maybe I would get better results.  I could do that, but that would be wrong.  Everyday I could choose to do things the wrong way or I can choose to do things as if I were doing it for God.  I can be honest and caring with my customers.  I can be respectful with my employees.  Anyone, no matter what they do can do in a way that is serving God. 

I would like to give you four things I learned from a book called FISH.  You can use these four things in your job and in your life and you would be serving God.  Play with your employees and the people around you.  Make the environment around you enjoyable and fun.  Parents make time to play with your kids.  Managers have fun at work.  Remember to laugh at your-self.  Second, Be Present with everyone you meet.  Give your full attention to your customers and employees.  Give your full attention to your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.  Parent when your children are saying, “Mommy, Mommy, Mommy.”  Take time to listen to them.  My mother would also put me first.  If she was talking to someone else and I wanted to tell her something she would stop the other person and listen to me.  I was the most important person in her life.  Our children should be the most important people in our lives.  Third we need to find a way everyday to Make Someone’s Day.  We need to take the time at work and home to make someone feel special.  Maybe it is just telling them they did a good job.  Maybe be it is being a friend.  Maybe it is helping someone through a tough time.  We need to treat everyone as someone special, because God said they are.  Lastly we need to Choose Our Attitude, a Christ-like attitude.  We need to be positive, loving, caring, and having a servant heart.      

Christ calls us to serve Him and he helps us to do this with the Talents He gives us.  Famous radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh has a saying, “With Talent on Loan from God.”  Some people have tried to say he thinks he is God, but that is just not true.  This is what he says about that, “I believe I am what I am because of the grace of God and that my time on earth, as is everyone’s is temporary.  We are all on loan from God, you see.”  (The Way Things Ought To Be)  I think that is a wonderful statement.  Paul agrees with the statement also.

There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit.  There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.  There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men.  (1 Corinthians 12:4-6; NIV)

We must use are talents to serve God.  We must use these talents at home, at work and at Church.  There are many ministries in the Church and each of us must find those ministries that will best use the talents God has given us.  Some of us came be ministers, and others Elders or Deacons.  Some of us can cook for others when they are sick, while others can give special music on Sunday morning.  Some of us can work with children and others can work with the elderly.  Some of us can be a person for someone to cry on, and others can be a person to have fun with.  It doesn’t matter what it is, just as long as you try.  How many times have you heard someone say they didn’t want to do something, but then once they started doing it they loved it?  We must start doing something and let God work in us.

Are you ready to be a Champion, an Ambassador, and a Servant?  Are you ready to answer the call?