John 19:19; And Pilate posted a sign over him that read, “Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews.”
Below is an except from my NLT Study Bible. I think it sums up this verse best and I wanted to share it with you.
“This sign was meant to be ironic. A king, stripped nearly naked and executed in public view, had obviously lost his kingdom forever. But Jesus, who turns the world’s wisdom upside down, was just coming into his Kingdom. His death and resurrection would strike the deathblow to Satan’s rule and would establish Jesus’ eternal authority over the earth. Few people reading the sign that bleak afternoon understood its real meaning, but the sign was absolutely true. All was not lost. Jesus was King of the Jews-and of the Gentiles, and of the whole universe,” NLT Bible.
As Christians we know that Christ is King and His return is coming. When we read about the death of Christ it should lift our spirits, because our King is the only one that could overcome death.