Why is Trump Pro-Life?
1. He chose as his VP Mike Pence. Pence is the most pro-life politician I know. And his convictions are real. I've known Mike for several years having worked on his campaigns, meeting and talking to him many times at different functions, and even having dinner in his home. I'm not saying I can get on the phone with the VP. But of any politician I can say I know Mike Pence the best. And Trump picking him was huge.
2. Have you ever heard Trump's story on his conversion to Pro-life? He was always Pro-choice, because in New York you are always Pro-choice. But a friend's wife got pregnant and they weren't sure if they wanted another child so considered abortion. They decided to have the child. Trump talked about how beautiful and wonderful his friends daughter grew up to be. And he thought about how terrible it would have been for her to never been born. He saw at that moment that abortion was wrong because it took a life. Some have rumored and I think it might be true that the friend is actually himself and the daughter is his daughter Tiffany.
3. Trump has appointed 2 conservative Pro-life judges to the Supreme Court and many to the federal courts. This was one of my top 4 reasons to vote for Trump and he has come through amazingly.
4. Trump reinstated and expanded the Mexico City Policy, ensuring that U.S. tax dollars are not funding abortions overseas.
5. He has defunded UNFPA on the grounds that it supports coercive abortion and sterilization in China.
6. Trump has repealed Obama-era guidlines preventing states from defunding abortion facilities.
7. Trump’s Department of HHS has issued new rules that require health insurers to specify whether plans cover abortions and has proposed a rule to cut Title X taxpayer funding from any facility that performs or refers for abortions. The department has also announced the creation of a Conscience and Religious Freedom Division, which will work to protect medical professionals who object to cooperating with abortion.
8. And he was the first setting president ever to speak at the March of Life.
Trump never said he was going to pass a law overturning RoevWade. That is a decision of the court. But he said that someday through the courts and public opinion abortion would go away. He has been one of the most Pro-life presidents ever.