I've actually been struggling with the issue of Confederate statues and memorials. I can see how these statues and memorials could be offensive to some people. It does represent a terrible time in our past. Some have compared them to the Nazi concentration camps that are still standing in Germany today. They are reminder of the terrible things that happened, so we don't allow it to be repeated. But the difference is the statues and memorials of the Confederate army are there to honor them, not as a reminder of the terrible injustice of slavery.
But comparing the Southern states and the Confederate army to the Nazis is wrong. The Nazis were about world domination and genocide against the Jews, the disabled, and those they deemed unfit. The Confederate army were fighting for their rights as states and those rights that were guaranteed to them in the Constitution. Also only the very rich owned slaves. Only 8% of the population in southern states actually owned slaves. And some of our greatest founders like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were slave owners. There were even some blacks slave owners and blacks that fought for the Confederate army. Of course here we are taking about a small minority from 1% to at most 10%. But it goes to the fact that slavery wasn't something unique to America. Slavery has been with us since almost the beginning of time. Slavery was even in the Bible with men like Abraham, David, and Solomon all owning slaves.
But what we need to do is ask ourselves what is the purpose of the Confederate statues and memorials? I think for most people that defend statues of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson and memorials for Confederate soldiers it isn't about racism or supporting slavery. Instead it is about remembering their history and those that fought for their rights. And I tend to usually fall on the side of protecting history, instead of erasing history.
But what should we do about these statues and memorials? First the people in these states should be allowed to vote or allow their elected officials to decide if they are going to keep these statues and memorials. If the people of these states decide to get rid of them they can either allow private citizens, groups, or organisation have these statues and memorials or even buy them. Then as long as they are placed on private property then that should be okay, because it is protected free speech. The states could move them to museums that can put these statues and memorials into context and address the issue of slavery while preserving history. They could also just add plaques and stands next to these things to remind people about slavery and truth about their history. And these states should consider not ever adding any new statues or memorials on public property. The state's could also just decided to tear down the statues and memorials if that is what the people want and feel is right. But whatever is done needs to be done lawfully and peaceably.
But what I do not agree with are groups and mobs tearing down statues and memorials. Any one person or mob of people that destroy public or private property is wrong. And these groups that either support or are against these statues and memorials who act out in violence are wrong and shouldn't be allowed to continue.
We need to remember that these statues and memorials have been in place for years and decades. There were no issue with them during 8 years of Obama. So the fact that this is an issue now should raise questions on why now and who is behind this. I think most of this is about dividing us as a nation and creating chaos. The far far left like ANTIFA and the far far right like the White Supremacy do not represent the vast vast majority of us on the left, right, or center in American politics.
This isn't an easy subject, but if we use reason and logic we should be able to come to a compromise. We need to be men and women of the mine and not just the heart. We need to think before we act and make decisions based on reason and not just emotion. And we need to remember that more free speech and more learning about history is a good thing. Free speech protects the speech you hate as much as the speech you like.