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Chuck Baker is Right! Well, I am. What I mean is that my friends always joke that I’m always right (or at least I think I am). The thing is I don’t say anything, unless I know I’m right. So it's not that I’m right about everything, but usually when I speak I know what I’m talking about. My dad always said, “Don’t speak unless you know your right.” This blog includes many subjects like religion, politics, business, movies, sports, and more. On the left you will see options to search this blog, see popular posts, a catalog of posts, and favorite links. Please check out my YouTube channel by clicking on the link under favorite links.

Heaven's Top Ten

When I did the blog “Forsaken” about hell I heard from some people that I scared them a little. So today I want to talk about something a little less scary and that is heaven. While working on this I ran across a sermon by Steve Malone call, “Top Ten Reasons Why Heaven Will Be A Blast.” I’m going to use some of his outline for my blog.

#10. We will get new bodies.
I don’t know about you, but my body is not one of the best. I’ve got bad knees, I suffer from planter fasciitis, and I tend to lean towards the heavy side. But in heaven this weak and fail body will be gone and an eternal one will replace it.

#9. We will get to live in a Big House.
The Christian group Audio Adrenaline has a song called “Big House”...it’s about God’s Mansion in Heaven that is waiting for us. The chorus goes like this:
“Come and go with me to my father’s house
It’s a big big house - with lots and lots of rooms
With big big tables with lots and lots of food....
A big big yard were we can play football
It’s my father’s house...”

#8. We will get to eat at a great banquet.
I love to eat. One of my favorite places to eat is Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse. The steaks are huge and tender. The desserts are amazing. Even the salads are good. But in heaven there will be a banquet with food that will be far greater than any that has been known here on earth.

#7. We will get to meet famous Bible Characters.
“We’ll get to:
Ask David what it was like to fight Goliath....
Ask Noah what it was like living in the ark...
And Ask Moses about parting the Red Sea...”

#6. We will get to see our past loved ones.
I’ll get to see my father again. I will get to meet my mom’s dad (my grandfather) for the first time. Everyone we’ve loved that has loved the Lord, we will see again.

#5. We will get to participate in the greatest worship service ever.
How many times have you came to church and just had a great worship service. Where you don’t want to leave and the rest of the week just seemed to go so much better. Even our best worship service here on earth will not match the worship we will have in heaven.

#4. There will be no darkness.
The glory of God will be out light forever.

#3. There will be no-mores.
There will be NO MORE: hunger, no more thirst, no more scorching heat or bitter cold, no more tears, crying, pain, sickness, or death.

#2. It will be that last time we fall.
In heaven we will no longer fall to sin. Instead the “the last time I fall, and the last you will fall, will be when we fall to our knees to worship at the feet of our God....”

#1. We will get to be with God.
I talked last time about the worst part of hell was being separated from God. Well the greatest part of heaven will be living in full presence of God.

JOHN 14:3

God has made a place so wonderful that we can’t even imagine. But we are unable to reach this place on our own. And so all these reasons and more was why it was so important to God, to give us a way to heaven. It was only through the sacrifice of Christ that we are able to reach heaven. Because of what Christ has done for us, those that have accepted Christ’s gift will be with Him in heaven.