Before the Super Bowl in 2010, there was a controversy over a Pro-Life ad from Focus on the Family. The ad featured the Florida Gator Quarterback Tim Tebow and his mother. His mother was talking in very general terms about some problems she had during her pregnancy and how she was glad that she was able to have her son, who then tackles his mom. Of course this is the funny part of the ad with the two smiling at the camera. At the end the screen reads that you can go to the Focus on the Family website to hear the whole story. That is it. That was the big deal that had the National Organization for Women all upset.
NOW had not seen the ad before it was shown on the Super Bowl. Had they not made such a big deal, I don’t think anyone would have known it was a Pro-Life ad. Instead most people would have seen it as a Pro-Family ad. My guess is that Focus on the Family website had a lot of hits on their website, because NOW had made such a big deal. If NOW had not said a thing I don’t think as many people would gone to the site.
NOW is a Pro-Choice group, because they believe the decision to abort or not to abort should be up to the woman and not the government or a father. Basically no one should be able to tell a woman what she can do with her own body. Mrs. Tebow was told by the doctors that she should abort her baby, but she made her own choice. She choose not to abort. She choose to risk her life to have her baby. Why is it that Pro-Choice groups like NOW only believe it is “choice” when a woman chooses to abort and not to choose life?