I always find the Pro-choice stand strange. They will tell you that an unborn baby is just a clump of cells. They will call it a fetus. They don't believe it has rights. They say it is a woman's body and her choice. And that is the rub. It is her choice. Basically an unborn baby only has value if it is wanted. If a women wants to have a baby, then she gets excited and says she is pregnant and having a baby. People congratulate her and get excited. She will talk about hearing the heartbeat. She will talk about feeling the baby move. She will think of names and make plans for it. She will call it her baby. And if she unfortunately has a miscarriage she most often is sad and feels a loss. And why is she sad? Because it wasn't a clump of cells, but her baby.
But if she doesn't want the baby it is just a fetus. It is a clump of cells. It is a burden and unwanted. They ignore the science that life begins at conception. They ignore a heartbeat at 6 to 7 weeks. They ignore that a baby can feel pain at 20 weeks. They ignore that as technology gets more advanced a baby becomes more viable outside the womb earlier currently as early as 21 weeks.
When we decide life is only valuable if it is wanted, then when do we say it is okay to kill old people. If the family doesn't want to deal with mom who has dementia why can't they kill her. If a woman can kill a baby at 8 months, why not 10 months. Why is a baby only a baby if it is wanted and can make it out of the womb?