Another debate with the same questions and same one sided attack on Trump. Why isn't Biden getting push back on his answers? Why does Biden get questions without attack and Trump gets attack along with his questions? Why is it okay to interrupt Trump and not Biden?
At this point people have decided. If you hate Trump it doesn't matter what Biden has done or what he says he's going to do you've made up your mind.
How often do you pay attention? Every four years? Every 2? Or maybe your like me. I listen to talk radio daily. I keep up with what is going on in Washington and in my state. I read and study about candidates and office holders. I listen! I don't hate you if you have a different option than me.
People that don't do homework or take the time to learn and listen are voting because Facebook, Twitter and a celebrity told them to.
That being said I find it extremely sad that people are going to vote for candidates that support killing children in all terms of pregnancy.
People are still going to vote for candidates that promise to shut down the country again regardless of how many lives are destroyed.
People will still vote for candidates that use FEAR OVER FACTS to scare them into voting for them.
Just a few of my thoughts from the election season.
I will choose God over men, Facts over Fear, Love over Hate. I will try to be the Plus and not the Minus.
#beaplus #FactsOverFear #theplus
From my wife Jenny Baker