I do not agree with mask mandates as I think they are a blatant attack on our freedom. I also feel that cloth masks are basically useless. If you are not wearing an N95 mask you are only wearing a mask to make yourself feel better. The CDC has come out that only 6% of Covid deaths were Covid only deaths. On average the deaths from Covid were from people that had on average 2.6 other health issues. Our death rate from Covid is also inflated due to the poor management of governors in New York and New Jersey who sent seniors with Covid back to nursing homes. This increased infection with the most vulnerable and killed more people than should have died. Covid is less deadly to the young and healthy than the flu. We don't wear masks to protect against the flu or pneumonia, which is as deadly to the unhealthy, old, and sick.
Sweden didn't shutdown their country and do not recommend or require masks. Their numbers have been better than most of the world and it looks like they will reach herd immunity sooner than everyone else too.
State governments are using shutdowns and mask mandates to limit our freedom and control us. They have figured out that if they say it's the law for your own good we will follow like sheep. I am not a sheep. I am a citizen and not a subject.