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Chuck Baker is Right! Well, I am. What I mean is that my friends always joke that I’m always right (or at least I think I am). The thing is I don’t say anything, unless I know I’m right. So it's not that I’m right about everything, but usually when I speak I know what I’m talking about. My dad always said, “Don’t speak unless you know your right.” This blog includes many subjects like religion, politics, business, movies, sports, and more. On the left you will see options to search this blog, see popular posts, a catalog of posts, and favorite links. Please check out my YouTube channel by clicking on the link under favorite links.

When All Hope Is Gone

When all hope is gone, turn your eyes upon Jesus.
When all hope is gone, lean not on your own understanding but on the wisdom of God.
When all hope is gone, get on your knees and pray.
When all hope is gone, cry to the One who will bring you comfort.
When all hope is gone, sing praises to the Lord.
When all hope is gone, be still and know He is God.
When all hope is gone, love one another as He has loved you.
When all hope is gone, feel His spirit rain down on you.
When all hope is gone, let Christ carry your cross.
When all hope is gone, remember that He lives.
When all hope is gone, do not be afraid for God is with you.
When all hope is gone, listen to His voice say “I am by your side.”

And Jesus said, “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trails and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” John 16:33-NLT

So where do we put our hope? Our hope is in the Lord. (Psalms 39:7-In my words.)