Everyone has both advantages and disadvantages in life. The problem is people let others stick a finger in their face and tell them they are no good. And when things get hard, they started looking for something to blame, like white privilege or the patriarchy. The world meets nobody halfway, but if you know what you’re worth then go out and get what you’re worth. People can't be pointing fingers saying they aren't where they want to be because of somebody else. Because you think I have some unearned privilege doesn't mean I have to acknowledge or agree with your opinion. Because fact is you likely know nothing about what I have had to overcome in my life.
We are all blessed and privileged to live in America during the most prosperous time in human history and we shouldn't forget it. Life is a privilege, but it is also hard and fallen. But we should embrace life and its hardship, because it is through our hardships that we reach are greatest potential.